Lowest Electricity Bill Plans in Houston
Which Houston Plans Have the Lowest Electricity Bills?

You’re a smart shopper, aren’t you? You look for the best deal, and you know how to make the market work for you. That’s why you compare Texas electricity rates to find Houston plans with the lowest electricity bill for your home.
Picking from among power plans isn’t as simple as picking the cheapest apple at the grocery store. Sure, different varieties of apples have different flavors. But you don’t have to stick with that apple for the next year, two years, or even three years like some electric plans. So, let’s examine the lowest priced plans that also give you the lowest bills.
Timing Your Power Use
Two of the plans with the lowest bills come from Rhythm. Their Powershift EV 12 and Powershift 12 plans have unique pricing structures. The rate you pay depends on the time of day you consume power. They’re akin to free nights plans, but it’s better to think of them as cheap nights plans. Both plans charge very high prices between 6:00 p.m. and 9:59 p.m., so if you can avoid using power during those times, you can make out like a bandit. But alas, few people can avoid evening electric use. Even people working the graveyard shift run their air conditioners during the evening hours.
Long Contracts with Lowest Electricity Bill
The other low bill plans all have long-term contracts. Champion Energy offers the 24-month Free Weekends 24. This one is great for people who don’t spend a lot of time at home during the traditional workweek.
Rounding out the low bill plans are these three 36-month plans:
- Chariot Energy Solarize 36
- GoodCharlie Energy GoodEnergy 36
- APG&E TrueClassic 36
When the cheapest plans have long contract lengths, that sometimes means retailers expect prices to come down. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid long-term plans. If you’re happy with the pricing structure, you can pull the trigger. Peace of mind and stability are worth paying for.

Considerations Beyond Price
When you pick your retail provider, you have them for the life of the contract. When it ends, the provide will notify you what your options are. If you do nothing at the end of the contract, you may get placed on their default variable rate plan. Even if you like the provider, be sure to shop for new plans before your contract ends. Almost always, a new fixed rate contract is better than a variable rate plan.
You should also consider rewards and incentives the retail provider offers. But don’t spend your time scouring their websites. Use the aggregated company ratings from Texas Electricity Ratings to quickly understand the pros and cons of each company.
Shop for the Lowest Electricity Bill for Your Houston Home
Are you ready for your new lower bills? Shop for plans at https://www.texaselectricityratings.com/electricity-rates, and choose the one that works best for your situation. Then, let the savings roll in month after month.
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