
Showing posts from March, 2024

Lowest Electricity Bill Plans in Houston

Which Houston Plans Have the Lowest Electricity Bills? The best cheap power plan rates don't always give you the lowest electricity bill. So, we sorted through them to find the plans that really do give you the lowest monthly bills. You’re a smart shopper, aren’t you? You look for the best deal, and you know how to make the market work for you. That’s why you compare Texas electricity rates to find Houston plans with the lowest electricity bill for your home.  Picking from among power plans isn’t as simple as picking the cheapest apple at the grocery store. Sure, different varieties of apples have different flavors. But you don’t have to stick with that apple for the next year, two years, or even three years like some electric plans. So, let’s examine the lowest priced plans that also give you the lowest bills.   Timing Your Power Use Two of the plans with the lowest bills come from Rhythm . Their Powershift EV 12 and Powershift 12 p...

La Niña and Your Texas Electric Bills

How Will La Niña Affect Texas? Because strong La Niña not only affects winters in North America, it can affect electricity rates in Texas. Find out the details and what you can do right now to save more. Much of this year's warm winter temperatures were due to strong a El Niño pattern in the Pacific Ocean. The warm weather not only kept heating bills throughout the US low this winter, it also created a surplus of natural gas that helped push gas prices to lows not seen since 2020. And since Texas generates over half of its power with natural gas, electricity rates have been falling. But that could all change later this summer. NOAA recently announced that the current El Niño pattern will likely begin fading in April and change into a La Niña pattern in August.  And this La Niña pattern could affect your Texas electricity rates . How ENSO Affects Electric Bills El Niño is part of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) system in the mid-Pacif...

Cheapest Green Electricity Plans for Your Dallas Home

Which Cheapest Green Electricity Plans Are Best? The best green energy plans are not always the cheapest. We help you make sense of the requirements to get the best savings for your Dallas home. It wasn’t long ago when green energy plans only came with flat rate pricing. But now, green plans have as many pricing structures as non-green plans. With renewable energy sources growing in Texas, light companies are falling all over themselves to sell you green energy. And with the wide array of pricing schemes comes more complex decisions. Do you go with a flat rate plan? Or are other setups better for your usage? Let’s take a look at the cheapest green electricity plans in Dallas.  Cheapest Green Electricity Plans by Rate When you shop for Texas electricity, you’ll find an advertised rate for each plan. In most cases, this is the average price when you use 1,000 kWh in a billing cycle. But there’s more to a plan than its promoted price. The three best rates ava...

7 Texas Electricity Shopping Tips New Residents Need to Know

What Are the Best Electricity Shopping Tips? If you're new to shopping Texas electricity providers and need help, we've got you covered! Check out our 7 tips that answer the most common shopping questions. Between July 2022 and July 2023, half a million new residents flocked to the Lone Star State. Moving to Texas comes with a lot of changes. One essential change that often gets overlooked is navigating the state's unique electricity landscape. So, it's crucial to know the ins and outs of shopping the right electricity plan. Whether you're a seasoned Texan or a recent transplant, here are seven electricity shopping tips to help you pick from among the best light companies . 1. What is the difference between a retail electric provider (REP) and my local utility company? Your REP and local utility company are two distinct entities. You enter into an agreement with your REP, and they send you your monthly bill. On the other hand, your utility company handles the light...

CenterPoint Houston Rate Hike Waiting for PUCT

Will PUCT Approve CenterPoint Rate Hike? CenterPoint Energy customers will see a rate hike on their Houston bills. Learn why the city approved CenterPoint's Distribution Cost Recovery Factor charge and how much more you'll pay. Last month, CenterPoint made a deal with the City of Houston and other local governments in its service area to add a Distribution Cost Recovery Factor (DCRF) rate to residential bills. Effective March 1, this Houston electric company slaps an extra $2.67 on the delivery charge. So, an average Houston home using 1,000 kWh per month will pay an extra $3.96 for the rate hike on every bill. Interestingly, the DCRF rate is deemed interim, signaling the likelihood of future changes. Recent state rules changes empower electric utilities such as CenterPoint to seek delivery rate tweaks twice a year. In turn, the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) must swiftly review these requests within a tight 60-day window. This month, CenterPoint filed a genera...