Texas Adopts Electricity Supply Chain Map

How Will the Electricity Supply Chain Map Help Texans?

Learn how the new electricity supply chain map will help grid managers keep power flowing to your home and keep emergency costs lower.
The Texas grid is big and complex. Learn about the map that could help grid managers avoid costly emergencies and keep power flowing to your home.

You don’t have to be a member of The A-Team to love it when a plan comes together. Four state government entities with stakes in energy infrastructure developed the Electricity Supply Chain Map. Emergency managers can use this online Texas electricity map to help them set the best routes to get power to those who need it most. This could have headed off shutdowns at gas-fired plants during Winter Storm Uri two years ago. 

Regulators made the map because of a new state law to help pinpoint power outages across the state. Managers use the map to identify important electricity supply sites. These supply sites help keep the power flowing on the Texas grid and manages must keep them online during critical times. They are the core of the Texas power system.

Today’s map has more than 65,000 facilities, 21,000 miles of gas pipelines, and 60,000 miles of power lines. Talk about miles and miles of Texas! It also incorporates TDEM regions, emergency contact information, and images of weather watches and warnings. The map will update at least twice per year.

For safety reasons, the public cannot view the map. It could be a scary tool in the wrong hands. However, emergency managers will use the map to spot critical infrastructure. Then, they can keep it working. By protecting these supply sites, large swaths of people are less likely to lose power in emergencies. 

Planned Outage Capacity 

With high summer heat on the way, the map could get quite a workout this summer. That's also partly because ERCOT approved new rules for the Maximum Daily Resource Planned Outage Capacity (MDRPOC). Currently, Texas generators that notify ERCOT more than 45 days in advance of a shut down do not need ERCOT permission. Those who file after 45 days must request permission. The new rules does away with that and limits the schedule for generators to go offline and perform maintenance during the year. That's a problem for summer and winter when extreme weather offers fewer chances for planned upkeep. But with fewer chances for aging generators to shut down for repairs, there are more chances for them to falter when they're most needed. However, the new rules for MDRPOC must be approved by the Public Utilities Commission of Texas before they can go into affect.

Your Power Plan 

If you want to have a power plan Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith would enjoy, shop at https://www.texaselectricityratings.com. You can find a Texas power deal here. And you will save money each month! You'll pity the fool who doesn't switch plans.  


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