Best Smart Home Rates in Houston

[caption id="attachment_3744" align="alignleft" width="375"]Smart homes can save even more money on energy bills with a smart rate that lets you monitor your electricity usage.

Monitor your home’s usage and save a bundle with a Smart Home plan at a smart rate!

Who has Houston’s best smart home electricity plan?

Smart meters provide smart home customers an easy way to monitor electricity usage and to maximize savings. If you’re ready to switch to the smart home plan in the Houston area with the best rates, you should choose Cirro Energy"s Smart Value 12.

Get An Intelligent Plan at the Cheapest Rate

Cirro Energy’s Smart Value 12 offers CenterPoint’s Houston customers a 12-month, fixed rate that averages between 8.3¢ for 1000 kWh and up to 9.1¢ at 2000 kWh. They advertise 5.8¢ per kWh as their base energy rate, but this excludes CenterPoint’s 4.1¢ per kWh distribution fee and monthly $5.47 base charge. The key to Smart Value 12’s savings rests in the bill credit. Customers who spend between 1000 kWh and 2000 kWh receive a $30 credit, lowering their rates. With a smart meter, you’re provided with constant updates on usage. This allows you to adjust your electricity usage so that you’ll be able to stay within the range and receive the monthly bill credit. In order to switch to this electric supplier’s plan, you’ll need a smart meter installed at your home. CenterPoint has installed more than 2.4 million smart meters in the Houston area.

There are a few fees to be aware of with Smart Value 12 as well. Each month, customers pay a $7.95 base charge. Should you choose to cancel early, there is a steep fee of $200, but this doesn’t apply to customers who provide evidence of moving before their contracts end.

 The Power to Choose Easy Payment Options

Customers can pay online through their My Cirro Account’s Auto Pay service, pay through the mail, or pay at authorized payment locations. But if customers choose to make a payment through a Cirro Customer care representative, they will incur a fee of $5.95. Cirro will also charge a $10 disconnection fee and $25 fee to reconnect electricity. All of this can be avoided by regularly paying bills on time through Cirro Energy’s easily accessible Average Billing Plan. This billing plan averages out totals from the previous 11 months and then charges customers a set rate, refunding any surplus at the end of the year. This means that each month, customers can pay predictable, cheap electricity rates. Combined with the regular monitoring provided by smart meters, this is a great way to avoid surprise and frustration when the bill arrives.

The Smartest Option in the Houston Area

Smart meters are a great way to maximize energy savings and your best option is switching to Cirro Energy’s Smart Value 12 at Be sure to check there for more information on how to compare, shop, and switch to the best electricity plan for your family’s needs.


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