How Much Does Air Conditioning An Apartment in Houston Cost?
[caption id="attachment_4003" align="alignright" width="337"] Hunting for a new apartment in Houston but worried about how much electricity it might use for air conditioning? Let us show you how to figure it all out and save some money, too. [/caption] What's The Average Electric Bill To Cool My Apartment? Hunting for a new apartment in Houston, TX? One thing you want to know is how much it costs to run an air conditioner. It seems a straight forward question, right? There's plenty of exhaustive DOE reports on the average Houston home's electricity usage . But why is there dang-near-nada reliable information on how much air conditioning an apartment in Houston costs? The key problem is that the Department of Energy and the Energy Information Agency only collect information on "residential" over-all usage by combining data from both houses and apartments. So, it takes time and persistence just to tease out useful apartment over-all ...